How do you arrange the order of your records?

I guess some alphabetically. Some by genre. By quality. Etc.
My preference is keeping them randomly arranged. This way I get a nice variety and I don’t have to choose. And it’s always a nice surprise.

I take them out about ten at a time and place them in a dedicated space between my mono blocks.


Alphabetical by band/artist, then chronological inside that.

Jazz are separate as is Classical.

However, Classical is a bit of a problem isn't it?

Do you sort by composer? By conductor? By performer?

I've inherited my father's 3,400 LP collection of mostly classical. This is now an issue for me!

Help! 😄

Happy listening...

Alphabetically by band name or artist surname and for classical by composer's name. There always some "migration" which keeps a bit of a random element in choosing what to listen to.

I would think alphabetical by genre and within each genre by artist.  You could take this further by filing them by date released by artist.


Mike, enjoy the foray into Classical recordings. Try not to get too bogged down in "best" performance, recording. Deep dive the composer while reading their biography. Many led quite interesting lives.