recommended speaker cables and interconnects

trying to upgrade step by step my stereo system, after not dealing with it for awhile.
right now have 3 kinds of speaker cables.
old audio quest , and an old monster cables.
a bit newer Kimber cable that are too short for my current configuration.
for interconnects, one pair of MIT mi-330
and one pair of Audioquest Ruby 2.
looking to upgrade for moderate price.
can’t give a budget range cause i am not familiar with the prices .


Before I moved to Kii Three Active speakers I was really happy with my The Chord signature reference. Used them on my Tannoy 15” K3808 Professional Syncsource  model M1000. 

I would start with a inexpensive quality cable from a respectable manufacture to use as your base line.

A great candidate would be the 12ga Mogami 3103

You never know - you might decide your money is better spent on something else

I use all Kimber Kable Base in my system with the WBT connectors for the interconnects and phono cable. (sounds better than the balanced in my opinion. (I have them in both and use all the SE cables now). They are fine and don't break the bank. 

"jpmanomet" is right on target with Mogami.  For interconnect cable I recommend the W2549 matched with the Neutrik NF2CB RCA's.  The Mogami W2549 is a microphone cable with 2 jacketed conductors made of ofc.

The soldering required for the neutrik nf2cb rca's is not easy as you have to solder the braided ground before the 2 conductors to the center cup.  You could opt for the Rean  Neutrik NYS352G Gold RCA's that use a satisfying/satisfactory crimp for the ground.

Once broken in, these cables are stunning and deliver the goods!

Since I am a Transparent user look at the following depending on budget


Transparent Music Wave Plus $$

Transparent Music Wave Super $$$

Transparent Music Wave Ultra $$$$


After Ultra it might be the point of diminishing returns. I currently have Ultra but upgrade from Music Wave Plus and then to Super via their upgrade program. If I were to describe the sound of the Transparent cables in my system it would be warm, full bodied or lush. For what is is worth I have been a Transparent customer since 1997.

Cables are very subjective and that is OK. The most important thing is you like the sound in your system. See if you can borrow some for a few days in your system at home. This is what I did.