@sidvicious88 - this is the very point most miss, thank you for your post : ) - I realised over time that no matter what is chosen for a wall receptacle, that another joint/contact/bridge was merely introduced into the power chain, to loss of sound quality. It was a slow discovery begun with gradual upgrading, and to small improvements over each step; from the stock receptacle my electrician had originally provided, to hospital grade, then to synergistic research orange, and finally to the Furutech NCF-gtx receptacles, that the improvements seemed endless. Then, a super audiophile friend from Japan told me that the biggest problem with receptacles is not only that they add to the chain of degrading connections, but that they are not shielded, at all. This shielding is the most vital aspect to the prevention of EMF intrusion at the weakest link of the power chain, which is wherever a bridge is - wherever bare wires meet screws, or connectors need to be used. So I got a Furutech ep609/NCF unfiltered power distributor, that has three twin receptacles which are GTX/NCF outlets themselves, and is shielded entirely, except for where it’s receptacles show on its face, and hardwired the entire thing, ie, each of its three receptacles, with dedicated 10gauge lines of Furutech CB10 wires directly from my distribution board, mounting the unfiltered distributor directly into my wall as a three receptacle, six plug wall outlet. Provided one’s power supply to the mains has already been attended to, this set up has lifted my sound quality in ways no ‘box’ ever has. I have since added another ep609/NCF for my needs. The cost for the entire upgrade has equalled the cost of a PS Audio p12, but to such a margin of better sound quality in my system that it stunned me. Please understand, this is no petty critique of the p12, which is a very very well designed and excellently performing power regenerator that I still use in another system.
@retiredfarmer - your comment on the cryo treated circuit breakers is an important one, since the circuit breaker is simply another ‘bridge’ in the power chain. A German company makes an excellent one - ABL/sursum.
In friendship, kevin.