And the cultists come out of the shadows and follow in lockstep with someone they can hide behind, thinking that in numbers, they have strength. I know a lot of this, if not all, is not going over your heads. You just refuse to relate on what little points I've brought up, choosing, instead, to keep harping on what is not transpiring. Or you really are that obtuse.
Seems to be you don't know how to walk backwards when you should.
Reading around, I came across this piece by the former CEO of Reddit and it's a very informative read. Having read it, I've come to realize that what I said some months ago about leaving here is starting to make a lot of sense as it covers what I've been saying here, just now, in a more comprehensive manner.
Come to think of it, It will most likely go over the very same heads I'm been arguing with but hopefully, some will give it a read and ponder.
All the best,