Oppo DV-981HD for $50 for 2ch?

My Denon cd player isn't hanging in there and I came across a Oppo DV-981HD supposedly in good shape for $50. Should I go check it out and add a DAC later, or is it something old enough I should avoid. Money is tight now and if it's a real good buy(??) that $50 would go a long ways. Loren.
Well I got to sit down and do some listening last night finally, with Joe Sample, Alison Kraus, and Pink Floyd(shouldn't have). This dvd player is a big improvement over the Denon. Less harsh and more details show through. I'd have been happy paying 5 times what I did for it. WIN!
I bought the first 970,very reliable and responds well to vibration control under and on top of tray.I used feet from audio advisor under and 3 vibrapods with brass weight on top in cd tray for better overall sound.Can't beat the price.
Don't know about the transport. The one I heard through it's analogue outputs was HORRIBLY bright; something they thankfully cured with the BDP-95.
I interpret bright as an excessive volume of high frequencies, and this is definitely not that.