NanoFlo tm blind test produced a 100% success rating!
Chris, care to share the testing methodology for the blind tests?
Can’t wait to see the fuses...
Can I interest anyone in swamp land in Florida?
There will be no properly done blind testing, there will no properly done electrical testing. It’s the same as his snake oil claims w.r.t. automotive, like vehicles increasing in HP 30%, or fuel economy going from 5mpg to 8mpg for a semi. Anyone with a hint of thermodynamics or who knows the difference between fluid and contact lubrication/resistance will understand these claims are science fiction.
The only "test" that appears to have had any sort of control showed about 1.9% improvement, which is actually tolerable but can me matched by regular lubricants. For some reason, that result was quickly pulled. Strange huh?
Something tells me the leopard has not changed his spots and I would not jump in the cage with him .... he sees you as "food grade".