Art Pepper fans out there?

Just received the new box set called Promise Kept: The Complete Artists House Recordings. Late in life comeback records, all remastered. They sound amazing. Lengthy info & pic booklet as well. Anyhoots just thought I'd share. Been spinning nonstop. 


Yes Art Pepper is a great alt saxophone player. One of the greatest.

He recorded a big number of great records in 50x and beginning of 60x. Like

Art Pepper Meets the Rhythm Section, Art Pepper + Eleven, Gettin' Together, Smack Up,...

And in end of 70x beginning 80x after he got out of prison:

Straight Life, Winter Moon, Roadgame, Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard,...






Love the 1978? version of "Patricia" on Art Pepper Today with Cecil McBee, whose work during that period is amazing.