All of us had their own experience and various knowledge...
For example i understand very well what poetry is in relation to linguistic and prose ....
Then i can admit easily if i am wrong in this matter why? Because i know it so well that i can understand the value of an opinion here easily....
In acoustic it is not so easy for me why?
Because here i dont have all the mathematical , the physical and neurophysiological knowledge at hand ... I have only my listenings experiments for 2 years and some basic understanding, then i can spot less easily my limitations about some technical point...
But i learned enough to be able to tune my room and the change was ASTOUNDING... It is why i insist about acoustic over gear upgrades...
Am i opinionated here?
No i know what i lived through...
The more we know about something or about a specialized field the easiest it is to spot our ignorance points and suspect and guess about our blind spot in this field ....
In the opposite way opinionated person are sometimes specialized mind and expert who know a lot about some aspects but who overestimated the narrow band of their expertise...For a hammer user all is nail...
We all die ignorant but we may die the heart and brain open...
For me the most interesting aspect of studying is RELATION between fields...
Not so much the field in itself ... I am more a mystic or poet than a scientist...But my field of interests are poetry, mathematic, music and linguistic and other i will not mention because i hate too much controversies..
Poet i am then, but i have no fear of equations... 😁😊
I am fascinated by acoustic because there is a poetry in sound called music and there is mathematic... These two extremes poetry and mathematic fascinate me...
The great geometer Alain Connes just exposed for the last years the deep link between primes numbers distribution, Hilbert Space non commutative operators, physics and music...
Remember that music modulo Pythagoean school is one of the main root of European science...
And music is probably at the origin of the language in evolution , and in language the poetic mode complement the prosaic mode so well that at the end i am very interested by exploring the relation between the right part of the brain and the left complementary part, linked to intuition and analysis, details focus or background focus attention, poetical and prosaic mode etc...
If you think that poetry and mathematic are world apart think twice they are Janus brothers...And Music is their mother...
Nobody here is opinionated, we just all know we’re right