Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle

Moving homes.  Any recommendation for quality wall receptacle?   Pangea?  Audioquest?






My point is that I conducted a hearing shootout and heard a difference , some equipment is easier to do a/b or a/b/c/d testing .  Using an electrical box that holds 4 outlets made the experiment easy , I've done hearing experiments with fuses on a guitar amp and  multiple power cords connected to my amplifier . 

As a retired Biomedical equipment technician I once thought that an outlet was just an outlet other than the Medical Grade outlets had a firmer grip and much heavier body , that a fuse was just a fuse and a power cord just needed to be the correct gauge and jacket  . The only time extra filters were needed was when using EEG and EKG equipment . But as an audiophile I learned that differences can be heard with any change made, that doesn't mean that you need an outlet that is the most expensive , a fuse that cost more than a good bottle of Scotch or a power cord that cost as much as a used car to hear a difference or improvement .  

Gold plating and Rhodium over Silver plating does have a effect , subtle but there .

So much of this one has to hear it to believe it , just I learned through trial and error.

@nonoise: I too have the Porter Ports, which are good enough for me. But then I’m not fanatical about that kind of stuff. Is Albert still offering them? Geez, I hope he didn't die and I never heard about it! ;-(

As a person who works for a utility (currently in Finance, but with enough time on network design/engineering), why? I just don’t get this...


Hospital grade, fine. Clamping ability is great. If $20 makes you sleep better at night, so be it. The contact area of a 12/2 or 14/2 cable is your limiting factor, inside the outlet.


Add to that the clamping area of your neutral and hot on your breakers (smaller) and you’re looking at a choke point there. Most modern boxes aren’t rich in copper from the main to the buss legs. Your neutral and ground are commonly aluminum.


Service entry wire? Is almost entirely aluminum in the states since the 80s (I’m running utilities to my pole barn/pool house on Monday. It’s fed with aluminum, too.)


Show me on an OScope or with a good anechoic chamber measureable sonic changes, I’ll show you a corroded outlet or power cord.


I run $4 Leviton premium outlets from a local supply store. They’ve fed everything from the $120 Sherwood integrated I had in HS to the Gryphon I sold a few years back to the 452 I’m listening to now... Even if I change circuits to a non-home runned, noisy 15a, on a circuit the amp shares with other stuff, a well designated power supply filters it out.

Spend the money on a new LP or new cartridge. Buy the $15 hospital grade outlet and move on. If you want to bring your outlet over to my office, we can dust off seven figures of metering equipment; if bet the farm that any 20A outlet fresh out of the box will sound identical...


My advice? Get something UL listed from a major company (Leviton, Legrand, etc.) with solid quality controls and a good reputation. I’d bank on solid EE principles over smoke and mirrors anyday.


Current is current. If it’s rated greater than your amp needs, you’re fine.


I went to Albert Porter's site and there's no mention of any outlets anymore.
Oh well, at least we got ours.

All the best,