Dear @holmz : " how would I know if the upgrade is worthwhile? "
"" it offered me some substantially better sound than the SAEC WE317. ""
""" What would that do in how the sound is manifested? """
"""" first step is for me to figure out whether a new arm would make a notable difference. "
Those are your statements from your first post to the last that no one not even you can have a precise answer. Is useless asking again and again same " question ".
I think that almost all the posts here already gave you all what any one could need to decide about a change or not of tonearm.
You can have the answers you are looking for till you have the new tonearm in your room/system and make several tests against your tonearm/cartridge today combination. There is no other way, just common sense. Or decide not to change it. Is up to you.
You have not that kind of common sense due to your low knowledge level on that issue and the only way to learn is by your own: testing and testing, etc, etc. Even you posted about:
""""" It sounds like I should give up trying to understand it. """
Go for other cartridge, you are satisfied with your arm. LOMC cartridges always are a learning lesson, try it and you will learn.