Thanks deludeaudiophile for your great posts!
In Trudeau Canada your future is here to be seen...Take a look!
Your speech will be controlled...
And Controls under the skin is coming and welcome...For now it is a vaxx card but wait it will be improved soon...
Read Orwell and Huxley, they are already beaten and overpassed anyway by all events now....
Like said Yuval Harari the prophet men are not free, "free will" never existed, and the soul is like an optical illusion, men are here to be hacked...Many can and will be hacked... Bill Gates like that ....
Just this week a law is discussed where it will be an unelected few at the head of WHO who will decide OVER elected officials of all countries law what we must do in a pandemic case and they will decide "scientifically for sure" what a pandemy is and when... Look at Shangai now if you want a preview... Bill Gates loves that ...Gives him the key...( No it is not a conspiracy it is FACT it is the biggest contributor in money to the WHO)
And right now an Australian heroic journalist will de deported to be imprison and suicided in the Soviet empire, oups excuse in America ,for no reason save publishing the truth...No protest in North America.... It remind me of Soljenitsyn deportation...
Welcome to the future next door...
And some want more censorship or want to be ruled by youtube, tweeter, and banned like the deluded IMPOTENT president Trump was by decree of unlected rich NOBODIES...Have you not seen the reaction of Trudeau government about pacific protest? A bill about bank account suspension?
911 was when? 22 years ago soon... It islike nobody had learn anything... They think right or left... 😁😊 they scapegoat their neighbours like in the Hebrew desert some tribes asking for their sin forgiveness...
i am flabbergasted each day...
People are so brainwashed in North america already i must self-censor myself even here...
They dont even want to know that we all became robot already, the programmation has alrady begun...
Mankind soul is uprooted now by corporate power like pygmies bodies were uprroted by forced exile in the colonization of their forest by European corporation and political small powers...
Language is born with laughs and music and with the new "symbolic" world 300, 000 years ago by the better synchronization of sexes in education and hunt practice of the members tribes and the refusal of our brother apes their censorship habits and male domination ... Today the new symbolic space is a soul prison and we ask for censorship and our music is the silence of those who will be hacked and wish for it and will liked that...
"Wait you will own nothing and you will be happy "
There is enough crisis now to be prepared and well cooked already : a good and "just" war, another pandemic, a climate crisis, count your last freedom days...
And call me a conspirationist...
I will call you an ostrich...
It is all about deciding what type of society you want to live in.