Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum?

Why should we be subjected to audiophile deniers, on a site dedicated to audio?
It’s antithetical to the hobby and adds nothing to the pursuit. I want to quote something from another thread.

@djones51 wrote "exposing bull products like "audiophile switches, cables, fuses " and other highly questionable devices that serve no purpose"

What then, is the purpose of people with this agenda being on this site? To “expose bull products.” It’s fine for someone to post they tried a product and it didn’t work for them, but to dismiss entire product categories is not a discussion that belongs on an enthusiast forum.

Would a car enthusiast site stand for this type of post?

Try going on a Porsche forum, just for example, and posting that your Mustang is just as fast 0-60 and that others poster’s claims about their driving experience is “dubious.” See how long that will be tolerated

There are plenty of sites to poke fun at audiophile’s obsession with cables, power conditioners etc. Why does it belong here, especially when we can’t mute specific posters?

What’s next? Arguing that speakers that measure the same must sound the same and that we are all suckers for buying expensive speakers? I thought we got rid of trolling?

Isn’t it obvious with all the ASR related posts here lately we are being trolled?

A couple of months back I read a post here about someone that ordered a new cat8 cable from China. I tried it and posted back my fantastic results for others to benefit.

Personally that’s the kind of forum I’m interested in, not to come here to be challenged about what I hear and that since it can’t be measured so it must be “dubious.”







au·​dio·​phile |  \ ˈȯ-dē-ō-ˌfī(-ə)l   \

Definition of audiophile


a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

Not sure who you are complaining about.

The focus (or target?) of the OP “Audiophile’s” would seem to cover a wide range of people who enjoy listening to music. Or even sound effects?

There will always be spirited battles between the subjectivists and objectivists. Many “audiophiles” probably reside in both camps to one degree or another. I don’t believe I hear any difference using myriad items claimed to improve or enhance the sound of the music I listen to.

I do hear differences between many pieces of equipment.

What exactly IS a non audiophile anyway?

Is this about audio or Constitutional law 101?

@nonoise ,

I feel your position is clouded by a belief that because things are relatively good today, that they will always be so. I don't share that belief and history is on my side.

As for anyone about to be "canceled" , are you feeling guilty about something?
Is a negative response to what you say enough to drive you over the cliff decrying "cancel culture"? If so, that sounds a lot like projection on your part and a device to hide behind, which is what claiming "cancel culture" is, after all.

This post to me is ignorant of today's reality. Take for instance, and I would appreciate some leeway from mods, trans rights to participate in sport. I don't feel at all guilty saying that biological women are at a disadvantage and this should not be allowed. I also don't feel guilty saying that a biological woman's live experience is different from a trans person. However, it today's world, there is a large contingent that will want to cancel you. Just look at J.K. Rowling.

Similarly, there is a large body of scientific evidence that shows that our brains continue to develop till our early 20's and that most teens with gender dysphoria naturally gravitate to their biological sex over time. Even stating that, which is pure scientific data, can get you a slap on the wrist on Twitter and don't even consider suggesting that reasonable limits for gender transition for teens is a good idea in some circles, or you will be labelled all kinds of nasty things even though your position is based on scientific facts.

I could give you many examples where having reasonable views will have people attempt to cancel you. The end result is lack of communication and societal division.

In Russia right now, many people are totally unaware that Russians are somewhat indiscriminately killing people in Ukraine. People in China are also unaware. You think that can't happen here? There are many examples in our world today where freedom, especially around speech, but as much communication of thought, are being reduced. To think it will not happen here and not impact your family directly is not a supportable position.


Thanks deludeaudiophile for your great posts!



In Trudeau Canada your future is here to be seen...Take a look!

Your speech will be controlled...

And Controls under the skin is coming and welcome...For now it is a vaxx card but wait it will be improved soon...

Read Orwell and Huxley, they are already beaten and overpassed anyway by all events now....

Like said Yuval Harari the prophet men are not free, "free will" never existed, and the soul is like an optical illusion, men are here to be hacked...Many can and will be hacked... Bill Gates like that ....

Just this week a law is discussed where it will be an unelected few at the head of WHO who will decide OVER elected officials of all countries law what we must do in a pandemic case and they will decide "scientifically for sure" what a pandemy is and when... Look at Shangai now if you want a preview... Bill Gates loves that ...Gives him the key...( No it is not a conspiracy it is FACT it is the biggest contributor in money to the WHO)

And right now an Australian heroic journalist will de deported to be imprison and suicided in the Soviet empire, oups excuse in America ,for no reason save publishing the truth...No protest in North America.... It remind me of Soljenitsyn deportation...

Welcome to the future next door...

And some want more censorship or want to be ruled by youtube, tweeter, and banned like the deluded IMPOTENT president Trump was by decree of unlected rich NOBODIES...Have you not seen the reaction of Trudeau government about pacific protest? A bill about bank account suspension?

911 was when? 22 years ago soon... It islike nobody had learn anything... They think right or left... 😁😊 they scapegoat their neighbours like in the Hebrew desert some tribes asking for their sin forgiveness...

i am flabbergasted each day...

People are so brainwashed in North america already i must self-censor myself even here...

They dont even want to know that we all became robot already, the programmation has alrady begun...

Mankind soul is uprooted now by corporate power like pygmies bodies were uprroted by forced exile in the colonization of their forest by European corporation and political small powers...

Language is born with laughs and music and with the new "symbolic" world 300, 000 years ago by the better synchronization of sexes in education and hunt practice of the members tribes and the refusal of our brother apes their censorship habits and male domination ... Today the new symbolic space is a soul prison and we ask for censorship and our music is the silence of those who will be hacked and wish for it and will liked that...

"Wait you will own nothing and you will be happy "

There is enough crisis now to be prepared and well cooked already  : a good and "just"  war, another pandemic, a climate crisis, count your last freedom days...

And call me a conspirationist...

I will call you an ostrich...





It is all about deciding what type of society you want to live in.


in the mean time i invite you to listen to that and like me learn something about society and language:


And dont forgot to meditate about the deep symbolic and concrete meaning of voices polyphonics and rythms in pygmies society, our human craddle and the ONLY human house :


By the way a great jazz musician decided decades ago to go back to Africa...for purely musical reason and investigation... Not for nostalgical racial reason at all by the way like the return in Africa for some others...In his case it was a pure musical problem he wanted to understand...

He want to understand what a freshly arrived african mysteriously say about music in America: "it did not roll most of the times "...Without explaining it...

Then he take the boat and go in Africa investigate African music...

His discovery after a long trip was this:

Music "roll" inside itself when the tempo rise with the music itself and trough and in the body rising tides and when it is not imposed over the melody and over the body by an external metronimic mechanical way...

Some jazz "roll" better than other piece of jazz, even some classical interpretation of written music like Furtwangler for example "roll" better than with some other maestro...

Then he came back to America again happy to understand why good music must "roll" inside itself...

I forgot his name sorry...


Now guess why the fact that some music "roll" has something to do with the origin of the human society and language ?


And guess what is the relation to censorship...



These posts remind me of my job with the students... Sorry if i am "pedantic here"...

Nonoise was not wrong about that i guess...

But i will not change much at 71 now... 😁😊



By the way there is a deep relation about music, timing, and time and non commutative geometry and symmetry breaking and the Pytagorean origin of occidental science and music notions , but it will be too much "pedantic" for the thread and too long to be explained... You see i can control myself... 😁😊



«You say too much or too little»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«Do you want to censor him?»-harpo Marx