@nonoise ,
I feel your position is clouded by a belief that because things are relatively good today, that they will always be so. I don't share that belief and history is on my side.
As for anyone about to be "canceled" , are you feeling guilty about something?
Is a negative response to what you say enough to drive you over the cliff decrying "cancel culture"? If so, that sounds a lot like projection on your part and a device to hide behind, which is what claiming "cancel culture" is, after all.
This post to me is ignorant of today's reality. Take for instance, and I would appreciate some leeway from mods, trans rights to participate in sport. I don't feel at all guilty saying that biological women are at a disadvantage and this should not be allowed. I also don't feel guilty saying that a biological woman's live experience is different from a trans person. However, it today's world, there is a large contingent that will want to cancel you. Just look at J.K. Rowling.
Similarly, there is a large body of scientific evidence that shows that our brains continue to develop till our early 20's and that most teens with gender dysphoria naturally gravitate to their biological sex over time. Even stating that, which is pure scientific data, can get you a slap on the wrist on Twitter and don't even consider suggesting that reasonable limits for gender transition for teens is a good idea in some circles, or you will be labelled all kinds of nasty things even though your position is based on scientific facts.
I could give you many examples where having reasonable views will have people attempt to cancel you. The end result is lack of communication and societal division.
In Russia right now, many people are totally unaware that Russians are somewhat indiscriminately killing people in Ukraine. People in China are also unaware. You think that can't happen here? There are many examples in our world today where freedom, especially around speech, but as much communication of thought, are being reduced. To think it will not happen here and not impact your family directly is not a supportable position.