There is always one certainty in life, change happens. The world is undergoing one the largest if not the largest cultural changes in our recorded history. There are a lot of people that are inherently resistant to change and would like for the world to remain in stasis for ever. Like it or not, the internet has provided a voice to everyone around the world. Suddenly everyone's opinion can be communicated 24/7 without filters and that scares many people. Whether you like it or not, this change is too late to stop.
The people most comfortable in their lives (wealth, housing, job, kids) have the most to loose (in their view) and want the world to remain unchanged. It frightens them when people with nothing to loose grab power and start trying to make their lives better (unions, civil rights, equal rights, etc.). If you didn't fight and claw for the power/wealth/status that you have, then you have no idea how or likely even the will to fight to keep it.
The world is large enough to share with everyone.