CD vs CD/SACD Player – Tube-based or Not

Some of you might have read my previous threads asking for recommendations on CD/SACD player. That was roughly 6 months ago when I first started building my hi-fi system.
Now that I’ve settled on the back end of my system, I’ll finally select my digital source. My system consists of the following:

Harbeth C7-es3 on Sound Anchor (3-posts) speaker stands

Pass Labs XA30.5 – Power amp

Ayre K-1xe - Pre-amp

CD player – a modest 15-year old Philips CD player(the weakest link which I need to upgrade)

I want to get a CD or CD/SACD player that matches my system in terms of synergies, quality and performance. While I’ve done a lot of readings/research, it’s hard to narrow down on my selections before some fundamental questions are answered.

1. CD player vs CD/SACD player: my preference for music are vocal, some pop, classical (symphony, chamber), some rock, blue. I know the selection of musice in SACD is somehow limited.

2. Tube-based vs Solid State CD player: would my system benefit from tube-based CD player since both my pre- and power-amps are solid state? What’s the advantage and disadvantage of tube-based player? What’s the difference in sound?

3. So many choice in my price range (mostly used):

Ayon CD-5, CD-2s

Ayre C-7eMP, Ayre C-5eMP

Audio Research CD-7

BAK 51

Esoteric SA-50, X-05, X 03se, K-07

Luxman D06
SONY 5400ES, Sony 5400ES modified by Modwright (with tube output),

Oppo 95/105 modified by Modwright (with tube output)

4. I want to get a player with solid transport, digital output, balanced output(preferred); dynamic/solid bass, extended treble and most importantly fuller mid-range with great, accurate, lush presentation for vocal recordings.

What’re your recommendations and why? Thanks.
> What’re your recommendations and why?

If I was in the market, I would say the most important criterioin is to make absolutely sure that the SACD player you are buying converts DSD natively to analog (not via PCM). If it was me, I'd probably go for the Luxman D06 (I took one for an audition and was quite impressed) or one of the Marantz models ... in particular, the brand new SA-11S3 or the SA-15S2 / KI Pearl etc. The SA-11S3 uses a new different D/A converter, so it would be interesting to compare. Also, the new Marantz lets you use the DAC to play your download files (if you have any), so it is not only a a standalone physical player, but also a hi-res network player.
> I want to get a CD or CD/SACD player

I'd certainly go for the CD/SACD player in preference to a CD only player. Given a modern hi-resolution recording ... even a mid-range SACD player (playing the hi-resolution SACD layer) will easily outperform any CD player playing the same information downsampled to 16bit 44.1 kHz ... no matter how expensive the CD player.

The SACD player will let you play all the millions of existing CDs, AND also the high-resolution SACDs. I think there over 8500 SACDs now, which is more hi-res content than any other hi-rez format (DVD-A, Blu-ray, downloads, streaming etc)
Batmobile, thanks for the detailed feedback. Also, thanks to others who posted their feedbacks.

As to Luxman, I thought if the unit needs service/repair, it will have to be sent back to Japan, which will take much longer time to turnaround and will be more expensive. Also, do you repair used ones not owned by the original owners? What's a fair price for a Luxman D06 players in excellent condition?

Would you take it over the Esoteric X03 SE SACD player? Thanks.
If the Luxman were bought stateside, it can be repaired, if under warranty. If not, i"d avoid it. Exoteric is nice but expensive. Like Batmobile says, you can try the Marantz SA-15S2b. I just got one and love it. Most of my listening so far is with CDs but having the option to play SACDs as well, and the robust build quality and power that the Marantz brings to the equation should win you over. I've never heard such resolution, layering and extension on CDs as with the Marantz.

Hope this helps.
All the best,
A number of comment on various forums support what you wrote about the upper level Marantz players. The Esoteric gets many raves but I find them to sound lean and clinical/analytical rather than natural/organic. Have you heard any Esoteric models, in particular the K series?