I mean, really. Attacking people for spending $1,000,000 on component interconnects while Ukrainian families are being brutally murdered by the tens of thousands is an easy mark, and he can’t even get that right, even though people here provide him with spectacular examples of the craft and do it repeatedly, including yours truly. His remarks are off kilter, cognitively and tonality-wise.
It’s as if Vladimir Putin tried to do a critique of The Simpsons as being a conveyor of hegemonic imperialist ideology.
I doubt this dude is an audiophile. He probably listens to a 6-transistor radio in his mom’s basement.
Audiophiles deserve attacks. But please, if you are going to take a whack at it, don’t insult our intelligence, Do it with wit, insight, grace and intelligence (that is, follow the WIGI Rule).
Speaking of wit, if not intelligence: whatever happened to the Einstein guy? I haven’t seen him in these parts in a while, but maybe it’s me.