Inexpensive Good Vintage Turntables?

I'm considering buying a turntable again. I've been without one for going on 10 years. This time around, could you recommend some really good inexpensive models (prefer belt but DD OK, too). And carts (preferably modern) that will work with them? And who are good online sellers of restored models? I know very little about vintage turntables ...


@whart don’t discourage the OP.

U can clearly spend silly money but plenty of fun can be had without blowing the budget.

Goldring 1042 cartridge is excellent as is the 1022 which is cheaper. A rega planer 3 or systemdeck with an rb250 or rb300 are very reliable and sound fine. Both very easy to upgrade 

There are literally hundreds of models of good used turntables available. An exhaustive list would literally be exhausting.

One will receive no end of recommendations of various models

Eg, I picked up a ’new and unused’ Mission 775S the other day, on the cheap. It cost me about a fifth of what a new Rega Planar and Rega tonearm would cost. It came with a Jelco manufactured Mission labelled tonearm. Is it superior, overall, to a planar 3, any planar 3? You betcha.....

Patience and some Sun Tzu, is advised. "If you wait long enough by the river, the body of your enemy WILL float by". Meaning, take your time, and do some opportunistic slow-mo well considered fishing.

One thought: the best sonic qualities are generally contained within fully manual turntable designs. Where the tonearm can be (and invariably is) a separately purchased item.

Since marketplace confusion exists, within buyers, this means they can overvalue complete systems where the tonearm is a lower quality design and is not perfected as a separate item. Where, alternatively, concurrently.. the given ’for sale’ turntable/tonearm combinations are separate purchases and integrated... and this is sometimes not recognized as the advantage that it is...this means..that with patience, and good analysis...excellent bargains can be found.

A caveat in that analysis, can be..that one has to take it on as a task likened to always being at the ready. Ancient Humanoid behavior adapted to the modern times. Funds ready to go, and looking at local and national adverts, all at the same time, like forming a habit. Waiting by the river, with spear held up high, poised above the river of adverts..waiting to strike at the unrealized bargain, when it shows itself. Bring home the turntable bacon.

If one is too busy in other things, well... take the lesser valued more expensive way out, and save the time, but spend the money. And buy a finished set with the majority of the value retention being on the seller’s side. Personal choice, I guess.

@holmz thank you for your suggestion regarding the vintage Sota.

Its located in Portland OR, and currently boxed. I will have to figure how to up load a photo on this venue.

No doubt there is plenty of room for up grading the tonearm and cartridge.

kind regards.

I own the combination that @jasonbourne52 recommended - Pioneer PLX1000 and an Audio Technica AT740ML. It's DD and new (not vintage). However, it looks very similar to the classic Technics SL1200 and its pretty inexpensive, when compared to other quality TTs. I think the combination sounds great, especially for the $1000 all-in price. I like that it comes with a non-hinged dust cover. No fuss, no broken hinges or stress on the dust cover. I cannot recommend it more highly for a setup in the $1000 price range.

Believe it or not Vestax DJ decks with new tonearms are on a par with the Technics SL1200. they are dismissed due to the DJ Deck aesthetic (which i actually like). Brilliant bass. 

What country are you in?