The BAM has what
. 4 inches of hookup wire inside? I find it difficult to believe that upgrading the former Cardas wire with Cardas Clear has such a profound improvement on the sound.
I would expect a subtle improvement/change, but what you guys are describing sounds more like a complete speaker overhaul.
I am a Merlin fan, but Merlin fanboys are often criticized for their over the top gushing with ever modification to the VSM.
Merlins are great speaker and Bobby is a passionate designer who set the standard for customer support, but I wish owners would just tone down their enthusiasm a touch thus improving their credibility.
I would expect a subtle improvement/change, but what you guys are describing sounds more like a complete speaker overhaul.
I am a Merlin fan, but Merlin fanboys are often criticized for their over the top gushing with ever modification to the VSM.
Merlins are great speaker and Bobby is a passionate designer who set the standard for customer support, but I wish owners would just tone down their enthusiasm a touch thus improving their credibility.