One other integrated to consider is the Aesthetix Mimas integrated. You can add a phono card and a DAC card but they are both optional. When I bought mine I compared, in my system, Hegel 360, Luxman 590, Ayre AX-5/20, Ayre EX-8. I almost bought the EX-8 as I liked that one the best until I heard the Mimas. It’s extremely musical with great dynamics and a very detailed midrange. I have the DAC card in mine and will be adding the phono card next. Overall the best integrated I’ve heard. I had Aesthetix separates for many years as well as a balanced pair of Quicksilver V4's with a Calypso preamp before going with an integrated amp. First the Ayre AX-7e and then the Mimas. All great sounding products but I find the Mimas a great fit in my current system. Also, unlike some the products suggested, Aesthetix gear is easily serviced in the US should any issues arise. I would not go back to separates for any reason now.
If you have a dealer who will let you try it in your system I would recommend it. Good Luck!