@atmasphere thank you sir. I wasn't totally sure about lacquer composition. Only that these weren't "new" 

I'm pressed to imagine a new "protocol" for an analog recording on a surface. That's more of a digital domain concept.  I suppose there could be some shocking new advance in the recording circuitry, though that doesn't seem too likely.  Aluminum, especially are harder alloy, would possibly allow more precise "peaks and valleys" to be cut into the sides of the groove which with the proper equip could increase resolution.  I'm not ready to start smearing their reputations until I understand more about their idea.  I'm stupid, but not that stupid.

I never ceased to be amazed at the hubris of some people with money and a platform to think that they are uniquely smarter and more knowledgeable than all the scientists and engineers who have trained and worked all their lives on similar and usually much more difficult problems.

I don't know whether to classify this as anti-science or ignorance. The result looks the same.