Tube noise when gain is increased, tube issue?

Adjusting gain on my preamp improves the sound vibrancy who makes it sound better.  But when I turn it higher the tubes tend to make a buzzing/humming noise which goes away when I turn it back.  

Is this a tube problem or a gain problem.  It's nice to maximize the gain setting before distortion occurs.


Sounds like noisy tubes. Could be a noise floor issue depending on amp/speaker/ interface especially speakers with high sensitivity. I like the former if for no other reason than it is easier to solve.  

What brand?  What tubes does the manual call for?  What tubes are in there?

Buzzing or humming is usually from the transformer and can excite a noisy tube. If you don't need the extra gain, switch back to low gain, it is always quieter.

Russ69, FWIW I think OP was referring to using his attenuator to adjust gain. At least that is how I read it.

Russ69, FWIW I think OP was referring to using his attenuator to adjust gain. At least that is how I read it.

Oh, OK. I guess he is hearing tube noise when he turns up the volume and nothing is playing? Lots of questions in that case. Is this something new? Do you hear the noise when playing music? What preamp?