I have an audio buddy who is really into measurements. He claims if it measures well it will sound good. He has gone through as many components as I have and is still chasing that perfect sound. I don’t think he likes the equipment he has picked out and measures so well!? Once he bought the same speakers I had bought. I purchased them strictly because I liked how they sounded at my dealer.....
I go by sound..... not measurements.
Very interesting story about someone who think measurements are voltmeter and decibel meter or laser pinpoint toe in...
But acoustic measurements has almost NOTHING to do with that (decibel meter are useful here)...It is about sound speed/ room size, head diameter, reverberation time, reflected waves timing, diameter cross ratio of the Helmholtz devices, densities of ions, temperatiure and air circulation, absorbtion/reflections/diffusion ratios, locations of devices, ratio behind the speakers distance and the room and the head location etc....
Ignorance in audio thread promoted by SOME gear or tweaks sellers is there to sell upgrade without end...Customers believe it...
I have nothing against a tweak or an upgrade read me right!
But tweaks are not a method, and upgrading what we already own whitout having ever listen to it in optimal condition BEFORE changing it, is pure obsessive ignorant unconsciousness...
People dont want to know because they think it is too complicated probably and not costly enough to be true,😁
The truth is, it is acoustic and only acoustic that explain how and why all acoustical cues emerge from the speakers/room relation...Not the price tag...
The gear is secondary, acoustic primary...
Only the audio engineer can and must judge the design quality of their product BEFORE it is embedded in a room by their own set of standard electronical measures ... Only you can judge their design and product AFTER it is rightfully embedded in your room by using acoustic treament and mechanical acoustic control and tuning of YOUR room for YOUR specific ears ... This is my answer to the OP question...