Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene Placement & Break-In?


I'm hoping to connect with anyone (who like myself), may have owned a pair of the original Joseph Audio Pulsars and who now owns a pair of the JA Pulsar 2 Graphenes. 

I have a small listening room that currently allows for the Pulsar 2s to be 2 feet from the back wall. This worked great with the originals, however, the Graphenes bass response is noticeably more present and now with about 25 hours of playing time in, I'm beginning to feel like the Graphenes need a bit more breathing room. While they sound great where they are with most material, they're sounding a little "boomy" on some of the more bass heavy recordings.

Unfortunately, my room doesn't allow for easy placement experimentation without moving a particularly large piece of furniture. Would appreciate hearing from Pulsar owners on what their placement experience has taught them also, can I expect the bass response to become even more prevalent as they continue to break in? 

Thanks to all,


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It’s not unique to the Perspective2’s. It’s my room which has a pretty prominent bass node issue. Also, I can’t pull them out more than a couple of feet which is limiting. I would not judge the speaker by how they did in my room. The guy I sold them to thought the bass was too light, so it is all about room and system synergy. I have been able to solve my problem using the high and low pass scenario I described along with a pair of sealed subs. I don’t think bass issues are a unique problem. There are a lot of integrated amps with DSP now or DIRAC or something similar designed specifically to address the problem. The Bel Canto E1X has its own bass EQ DSP which I have just started to experiment with. It can’t fix a strong room bass node but it can effectively address boomy bass which is very helpful.


Thanks for the response vdotman!  That's helpful info.

Couple of things:  Aside from the bass issues, what did you like about the Perspectives?

Any reason why you didn't just use the sub with the Perspectives?  What did you move on to?


I bought the Perspective2’s as the ubiquitous end-game speakers. I didn’t have the subs at the time as I didn’t think I needed them. Aside from the bass node issue that occurred less than 10% of the time (but enough to be irritating, especially given these are $15K speakers), I loved everything about the Perspective2’s and would have kept them and called it quits on the speaker search. Yes, they are that good in my opinion. After those, I bought the pair of SVS subs and a pair of Dynaudio Contour 20’s, then the Graham Audio Chartwell LS6’s which worked and sounded great, so I kept them as I liked them better than the Contour 20’s, which were no slouch by the way. I later picked up a pair of Graham Audio LS5/9’s, which when paired with the SVS subs, sounded even better. BUT, all the while I had been looking for a pair of Pulsar2’s, and as it turned out, one person who I had previously contacted about selling his pair contacted me and offered to sell them to me along with my trading for the LS6’s as part of the deal. It was a very attractive and fair offer so I took him up on it. It was hard to part with the LS6’s though, especially since they were as-new and in the rosewood finish, but their condition and finish allowed me to get top dollar for their traded value. All in, I got the Pulsar2’s in rosewood in 9/10 condition for around $5500 which is about the best anyone can hope for I think, certainly a fair deal all the way around. I have not experienced any bass node issues with them so far, or any other bass issues since I have tuned the system to the room, so I think I made the right decisions all things considered.

Thanks for the details vdotman!

Wow back to the Pulsars.  Very nice.  What a deal.

I'm also jealous of your time with the Graham Audio speakers.   I'm a fan of the classic Brit speakers - I own Spendor S3/5s and have owned Harbeth SuperHL5plus.   The Grahams have really intrigued me.  (Nowhere to demo them, though).



Gene Rubin is a Graham dealer on the west coast. I got turned onto them by a guy I know in NC who had a pair of LS6’s and had very positive things to say about them. I subsequently bought a pair on USAM. Did the same with the LS5/9’s which were posted for over a month before I pulled the trigger. I have been a fan of British speakers all along owning numerous Spendors, many being Terry Miles designs, but when I found out Derek Huges was doing the design work at Graham, my attention turned to his work. The LS5/9’s may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but when set up right and when correctly paired with a subwoofer covering the lowest bass, they are truly special. I use a Bel Canto E1X to drive my speakers and tune my system’s low end. As the Brit’s like to say, simply brilliant!