Sonic frontiers

Soon I Will be auditioning a Sonic Frontiers line 3 preamp and a pair of power 3 mono blocks. I have Tekton Moab’s and a beautiful pair of Jbl 4435’s. Anyone here familiar with this equipment?


If anyone found a Sonic frontier muffled sounding there was something wrong with a tube most likely or the amp it self. The sonic frontier amps and preamps were very good at tonal balance and resolution. Perhaps a tad slow huge sound stage. Don't be afraid to upgrade the tubes in the cd seperates they se to like the reflector 6922 equivalent. That is worth an ask to Chris Johnson stock they used sovtecs mainly tonal balanced always seemed good to me but many other choices I prefer. I have dealt with audio connection/ parts connection for a number of years that is a straight up kind of place very professional and things have always happened the way they said they would. The fact that it is a little older wouldn't bother me in the least well built and has more life left in it than a bunch of new stuff being sold today. That pair you should be able to buy for about 10000 Canadian or 7500 USD. In fact there are ads on Canuck audio Mart for each piece at the moment. Two different sellers one with the pre the other with the amps. The power three amp has boats loads of power it will be hard to find a speaker that those monoblocks cannot drive. I have the DAC and transport three as well as a anthem six disc changer. The DAC and transport three are at the pinnacle of redbook cd players. One of the five best ever made. Enjoy your purchase I am sure you will. I hope you understand to hear that power pre at it best you are going to need top tier everything else to go with it including wire. 



I have a Sonic Frontiers SFS40 power amp that I use with a Conrad Johnson PV5 in a secondary system. The SF amp produces an excellent soundstage with lots of low level detail and air around classical and jazz music. Perhaps those complaining about the Sonic Frontier amplifiers had some type of problem which can happen to any gear?

I bought a used SF Power 2 amp several years ago. It was the second worst sounding amp I’ve ever owned. I so wanted it to work, but it was gone in a couple of weeks.

That said, I also owned an SFD2 dac and that piece was very nice.

I think they will be over priced as is often the case with Power 3 .   I think you could do better for that kind of money with newer equipment .   Its pushing 30 years old 

I had that sonic frontier equipment  about 15 years ago along with the rather unique top loading cd player. I used quad 929 speakers with a subwoofer. I really liked the sound but the amps had a bit of hum. All in all I would not buy them today. .