Upgrade from clearaudio maestro mm to $2-3k mc cart?


I’m interested in replacing my clearaudio maestro mm cart with an mc cart in the $2-3k range and am looking for advice. I’m due for a retip soon and have been thinking I want to know what the mc world is like. The maestro has been great but I’d like to hear the next level. I’ve had my eye on the clearaudio talisman, partially because I’ve been so happy with my clearaudio gear so far that I’d like to stick with them but also it seems to have good reviews. If anyone can comment on the talisman or other mc carts in the same range, I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Rest of the system: The tt is a cleaudio concept wood w/ satisfy tonearm. Phono stage is a pro-ject tube box ds2. The amp is a Line Magnetic LM219ia. Phono stage and integrated have been tube rolled. Speakers are Klipsch Forte IV’s. 



You would be better off buying a better quality phono stage first.

Even with your existing Clearaudio Maestro you are only getting 50% of the potential with the Project phono, and a good phono stage will unlock a lot more performance from your system.

+1 for what @dover said

Not sure if retipping is avalable for MM carts, but that might be another avenue to look at?

Try a Simmaudio Moon 310LP phono stage - it will be a big step up from your existing phono stage

  • and it gets better as you add great power and interconnect cables

I used budget oriented phono stages for a long time and then upgraded to a Simaudio Moon LP5,3 RS (replaced by the 310LP) and never regretted the upgrade

  • I also stopped looking for a better phono stage 😎

Hope that helps - Steve

Dear @durte30  : Another +1 for @dover and for the Simmaudio Moon 310LP advise by @williewonka 


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


$2-3K MC cart with your table/phono stage is overkill.

$1K MC +$2K phono stage will get you more performance. Spend as much as you can tolerate on the phono stage.