Miraga M1 vs Totem Mani-2

Room is about 25m2

amplifier - Kronzilla SXI , 2x50 watt in class A in single ended from monster tubes T-1610 and beefy transformators

I know that M1 and especially Mani-2 arent speakers for tubes ( low impedance and sensivity ) but I am bass lover

Now I have M1 , maybe too big for my room , but I love this deep ( about 20Hz ) bass. Some time ago I had Mani-2 but in other room with other amplifier

What do You think about change M1 for Mani-2 again

Will be Kronzilla good match with Totems ( they like Power and stability ) ?

Can Mani-2 go as low and deep as big M1, in my 25m2 room ?
I am intrrested in Your opinions and thanks for any advice


Mani 2s go fairly low, but I would not say deep bass. You will want a subwoofer for that size room, especially with only 50 watts.


I know that Mani-2 is above Model One of Totem’s line

but M1 - I mean Mirage M1

I know that is big floorstanders and Totems are standmounters so is strange comparison


I dont need subwoofer now Mirage M1 with Kronzilla has very big and deep bass, I think Sound of this SET is too big for my room sometimes

Question is if Totem Mani-2 can go as low with KR in 25m2 room ? And summary which speakers will be better choice for Kronzilla in this space ( remember I am bass lover )

On paper M1- 25Hz +/-2dB    Mani-2 -  29Hz +/- 3dB 



Sorry you didn't understand my way of saying things. There has been more than one model of Mani twos. The original version had dynaudio drivers. Approximately 15 years ago. They in my opinion were much nicer than what was made after that. 


The manu twos that were built with dynaudio drivers are at least two levels above the m1 mirage speakers. The mirage speakers are ok and the original Mani twos are world class. 

I had this first version Mani-2 ( with Dynaudio + Seas speakers ) some years ago, but as I said in other room and with SS amplification . I dont think that Mani-2 is level about Mirage M1. Especially in bass M1 can reaches so deep and low , that Totems ( which has really good bass ) cant . Maybe Totems are more sparkle but Mirage has more relaxed sound.

Problems ( and question is ) if Mirage M1 is too big for this size of room , and Totems will be better choice and if Kronzilla ( 50 watt class A single ended triode ) can drive Mani-2 properly ?

I had Mani 2's for a number of years.  Not familiar with the Mirage,  No way is 5o wats enough for the Mani's unless you plan to high pass them with a sub.  And then what's the point of getting Mani's?