Best Isolation Platform with Audio Aero Prestige

Dear AA Prestige owners,
Can you please write down your experiences with the platforms you use, if any, with your Prestige sacd player.
Currently my player is over acapella fondato silenzio base.
It might be a good idea to see which base or bases are most popular with this beautiful player.
Many thanks,

Brian ,

Rhetoric aside , have you tried the Critical Mass Grand Master black label platforms in your own system ? I would then welcome your opinions positive or negative.

Blind shootouts are welcome but there are as many who disapprove as see the benefits of such an exercise . I for one welcome the challenge.


Tbg , the article is open to public view. In my statement I was simply extrapolating from 2 paragraphs in the review which indicate he preferred the Critical Mass under his source component :
{ " Back at home, after spending quite some time in the latest configuration with the Micro 40 under my turntable and the Critical Mass Systems Grand Master platforms under the universal player and preamp, I decided it was time to try out the Grand Master I had purchased to go under my turntable in its intended application. At first I had planned to move the Micro 40 back under my universal player, but after pulling it out from under the turntable to install the Grand Master I got lazy and decided "what the heck, I'll put it under my preamp instead," just temporarily.

Much to my surprise, I ended up preferring this configuration. Although this is most probably not where I would have ended up without the Grand Master platforms to go under my source components, this configuration provided the best overall performance for the whole system. Whether spinning records or optical discs, the results were sublime. My preamp absolutely loved the Micro 40 and as a result, so did I. This was unexpected. In fact, I would have expected my previous configuration of Micro 40 under turntable and Grand Master under preamp to be superior " } .
Brainwater, yes it is publicly available. My quote is from his conclusion. This review is somewhat curiously contradictory. As I said, initially I dismissed his suggestion that you could use two components on a single Halcyonics as contrary to my initial experience. More recently I agree with regards to the Accustic Arts dac and drive one.

Until Clement Perry of StereoTimes strongly encouraged me to try an Halcyonic under my amp, I had only used my two under source components. Since I first put one of my two under my amp, it has stayed there and my turntable returned to the Acapella base.
Brainwater writes:
Rhetoric aside, have you tried the Critical Mass Grand Master black label platforms in your own system ? I would then welcome your opinions positive or negative.
That's a bit of an easy out.

Instead of quoting from someone elses work, tell us what you have compared the "Grand Master" to and what you heard.

Brent, i know that the Critical Mass website claims that Will Wright preferred the Critical Mass platform under his tt.....but that is not what Will said in his review.

he said;


"......I decided it was time to try out the Grand Master I had purchased to go under my turntable in its intended application. At first I had planned to move the Micro 40 back under my universal player, but after pulling it out from under the turntable to install the Grand Master I got lazy and decided "what the heck, I'll put it under my preamp instead," just temporarily.

Much to my surprise, I ended up preferring this configuration. Although this is most probably not where I would have ended up without the Grand Master platforms to go under my source components, this configuration provided the best overall performance for the whole system. Whether spinning records or optical discs, the results were sublime. My preamp absolutely loved the Micro 40 and as a result, so did I. This was unexpected. In fact, I would have expected my previous configuration of Micro 40 under turntable and Grand Master under preamp to be superior."


what Will said was that "this configuration provided the best overall performance for the whole system.".......not that he preferred the Critical Mass to the Halcyonics under his tt. he felt that in his system the Halcyonics made the most difference on his preamp. when Will visited my room with the Halcyonics he told me that he specfically preferred the Halcyonics to the Critical Mass on every component but that the Critical Mass was fairly close in some areas. it would make sense that since his tt started out with some passive isolation beyond the starting point of the preamp; there was more room for improvment with the pre.

there are a few excellent passive systems out there including the Critical Mass and others like my Grand Prix Audio.......but active isolation is on another level.