I did not not answer. I simply did not read your post. Your posts for me, are excessive in number, take too long to make a point, and are filled with information that is extraneous.
Fourier transform cannot explain the hearing process which is non linear...
As our discussion is about audio equipment, not the human ear, it is relevant to keep the discussion at this point to equipment.
Many dac technology are based on this flawed assumptions ...
This statement is not correct. There in an inherent lack of understanding in that statement that I don't even know where to start unpacking. However, I will say two things. The goal of signal recreation is linearity. Testing for non-linearity is the purpose of THD measurement. It is an inherent feature of performing Fourier analysis. Our hearing having non-linear processing elements has nothing to do with analog to digital and digital to analog conversion and Shannon-Nyquist theorems. The two are totally unrelated.
Are you trying to imply that there are some timing limitations in DACs that are not sufficient for audio reproduction? In the articles it talks about 10x the Fourier uncertainty limit. That will still be a very very large number compared to the timing precision that digital audio must have to support the THD numbers I see quoted. I am sure you can research this and prove that to yourself.