Artificial Intelligence is NOT intelligence...This is another matter out of this subject thread for sure...
Because "meanings" in human experience emerge through the deeply rooted biological body in all evolutive history beginning with the first cell...And this rooting is INTEGRATED at all scales and worked all the times not as a passed over abandonned tools but like an actual tools, our body host trillions of cells...... Life never let anything die without reason..Life explore and play but is not blind sorry...Randomness is not understood in biology...It is understood only in mathematics anyway...( the most important fact in mathematics is nor order or randomness but some kind of "music", this is demonstrated by non commutative geometry works of the fields medallist Alain Connes)
And in some very important theoretical approach in neuro research we must distinguish INTELLIGENCE and CONSCIOUSNESS completely... They are no more synonymus...
Consciousness is biologically and symbolically rooted , intelligence is only symbolically rooted, one is more fundamental...Consciousness encompass intelligence, not the opposite... There exist in the universe an "artificial intelligence" completely closed on themselves with no root in this universe at all... But i cannot enter this here...
Read Giulio Tononi... among others...or Penrose-Hameroff works etc...About the difference between consciousness and intelligence...
An intelligence rooted in an embodied consciousness work non algorithmically and work CONJUGATED AND IN CORRELATION with all others embodied intelligence through a hierarchical set of Markov blankets......To understand that read Karl Friston works among others...
The prime numbers distribution that Goedel used to created the first part of his famous theorem is essential...And primes numbers distribution is non algorithmically reducible ....
An A. I. do not and never will do...
Transhumanist science is technology gone mad...Not science...Yuval Noah Harari is an exemple of perfect intelligence without any ethical consciousness, he promote the right for some to hack the human body and negate the freedon of humans...
Intelligence has nothing to do with being "wise"....
«Do you claim that poetry rule over mathematics?»-Groucho Marx 🤓
I’m all in favour of upholding the sovereignty of the human mind and perceptual system, but isn’t this just wishful thinking as we enter the age of AI?