I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.

I just can't clear my head of this. I don't want to start a measurements vs listening war and I'd appreciate it if you guys don't, but I bought a Rogue Sphinx V3 as some of you may remember and have been enjoying it quite a bit. So, I head over to AVS and read Amir's review and he just rips it apart. But that's OK, measurements are measurements, that is not what bugs me. I learned in the early 70s that distortion numbers, etc, may not be that important to me. Then I read that he didn't even bother listening to the darn thing. That is what really bugs me. If something measures so poorly, wouldn't you want to correlate the measurements with what you hear? Do people still buy gear on measurements alone? I learned that can be a big mistake. I just don't get it, never have. Can anybody provide some insight to why some people are stuck on audio measurements? Help me package that so I can at least understand what they are thinking without dismissing them completely as a bunch of mislead sheep. 


If we reach a point where sound quality can be accurately predicted by measurement I’d have zero resistance or issue with it. My point is acknowledging we are not remotely close to doing that now.

Currently used measuring techniques seemingly can’t hold a candle compared to the extraordinary capabilities of the human ear-brain axis processing pathways (Thank you @mahgister ).

You can use cheap off the shelf Op-amps to allow any mass produced entry level DAC to measure quite well and yet sound utterly underwhelming (Like crap).

AFAIK we're there already. Its just that for the most part we never see the important measurements; quite often they simply aren't made! This gives rise to the idea that we don't have the technology to do it.

The trick with opamps is to not use too much gain! The best of them are not good for about 20dB before you get into trouble with GBP. If a designer ignores the impact of that you get into colorations- even though it 'measures well'; but I suspect if the full battery of measurements were applied the problems would turn up easily enough!

@atmasphere The problem here might be the terms used, since ’coloration’ is usually a bad thing in the context of getting as close to the musical event as is possible. But instruments have tone ’color’; one must be careful to not conflate the two ideas!

Live instruments do indeed have "tone color". Some audio components are much better at preserving this natural characteristic. Some components do not convey these essential qualities and instead present an alternative thinner, lean, bleached and sterile/lifeless presentation. False coloration can move in either direction of the spectrum.

In recent weeks I had the pleasure of hearing a live un-miked cello and a week later a baritone saxaphonist.  Pure full tone,richness and harmonics, just beautiful sound. Live and natural. I don’t want audio components that dilute and present a strip down low fat/calorie version. I’d like to get as natural a sound as is reasonably within my means. Live acoustic instruments have plenty of "tone" and "color", undeniably so.


we can say that we do not want the playback system to be supplying further changes to the recording. Holmz

I don't think this gets covered enough.  It is nice have a baseline, and I can understand why people want to be true to original.  Good, bad, or otherwise, it is nice to listen to the music as created by the artist and their team, which the artist signs off on.  Really depends on the music as well.  

@atmasphere When I'm speaking of accuracy and it's association with color, I'm thinking about two components that measure exactly the same in every measurement undertaken. Now lets say those measurements are such that one was deemed to be an accurate component. Will these  two components, or any number of components tested, meeting the above criteria necessarily sound exactly the same. If not, at least one of those components cannot be accurate, we could say it has colorations. Doesn't stating any particular component as accurate, mean any component not replicating absolutely exact same sound qualities is inaccurate or colored? Anointing any component as accurate assumes an absolute hierarchy of components, the accurate one being the objective reference.


The other issue is how do we prove which exact component is in fact the objectively accurate one. Wouldn't we have to prove that component exactly replicates what the engineers/producers of any particular recording heard when mixing that recording?


So, my issue with the term accuracy is when its used in the context of this hierarchical order, or contention there are absolute accurate components, those not meeting criteria mentioned above inaccurate. Now, accuracy in the context of conforming to timbre of live non-amplified instruments, vocals MAY be valid use of the term. A component that reproduces natural timbre can be said to be accurate.  This doesn't apply to amplified instruments as they are subject to many inaccuracies of amplifying equipment, we cannot know their exact timbre unless we were in recording venue at time of recording.  Still, both amplified and non-amplified recordings  subject to recording vagaries, perhaps these recordings don't present accurate timbre. Bottom line, very little or no opportunity to directly compare live instrumental, vocal timbre, what we'd call natural timbre, to recorded timbre which may or may not exactly replicate natural timbre.


Accuracy, in either of these contexts seems to be rather useless term for audio reproduction. And if we accept accuracy is invalid term here, what are the objective criteria we can use to judge audio components? With so many variables constantly in play, seems we are left to pleasing ourselves. Where's the problem!