Innersound Electrostatic amp driving Quad esl 57's

Does anyone have experience driving quad esl 57's or stacked quad esl 57's with the Innersound Electrostatic amplifier. I'm currently using Bedini 25/25 1 mg amps but have heard this is a wonderful pairing. I welcome your timely thoughts.
I used to run Quads full range with Dynaco Mk IIIs, 50 watts/ch no problem. I used regulated everything, preamp power supply, tube filament supplies, etc. I ran the Quads naked - no metal grills, no dust covers. They are much more unrestrained and dynamic that way.
Ditto what others say about power. I've had a Bedini 25/25 with a single pair of Quads, and it was very good. One of my customers had a pair of Atma-Sphere M-60s with his Quads, and it was a terrific match. Two pairs of Quads connected in series driven by M-60s could be something.
You may want to try an ARC D70 Mk2. I own one and it's a wonderful tube amp. I'm pretty sure that David Chesky uses this amp to drive Quads.