EAR Acute

Heard the Acute today and fell in love with its sound immediately - such glorious midrange and deep layering; full of details without causing ear fatigue! Must be the tube output stage...

Would have bought it on the spot but the build held me back. If it costs $2000, no problem but at $5000, I expect better build quality.

Is there a CDP out there that shares the EAR's glorious sound but better built in the same price range to recommend?
The LP player looks like art and the new Pre with UV meters man i wish I had the dough.Just have my moddest little 834 Intergrated.But Mr.Tim makes some great stuff.didn't know he had a digital product out.But prices are high I agree.
I wonder when somebody is going to use the wonder chip being used in the Logitech/Slim Devices Transpoter Squuezebox/DAC.Such a big deal was made about the chip (AKM.AKE,or AKD???Can't remember manufacturer off hand) when it came out but have yet to see it in any CDP's yet.
Electrocompaniet EMC-1up 24/192

A great player, at a great price, in the areas, you are looking for...
Possibly no better built but $1500 less and, according to Robert Levi at Positive Feedback, similar sound, the Modwright Platinum Truth Sony 9100ES. I love mine and it's not fully broken in yet. Replaced an APL Denon 3910 and I'm not missing anything.