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An unmoderated forum will quickly devolve into a smorgasbord of profanity and personal attacks. Overall humans are not nice to each other.

An unmoderated forum will quickly devolve into a smorgasbord of profanity and personal attacks. Overall humans are not nice to each other.

(just grabbing the above response as a method of introducing the following text. Nothing personal. I had to say that, and the text below, will explain why. That it is not aimed at the orignal quoted poster. I can internally infer an understand that..but...well..we’ll see about the ’why’ of all of that.)

Humans actually are nice and decent to to one another. In person. We are invariably (not always, see politics and corporate fronts, re pathological aspects in people grabbing hold and becoming predominant in sectors of human life. Media as a manipulation, etc) decent and correct and self correcting, in person. We strive to be civil even in difficult situations.

The problem with written communication, is that it works well in book form. We can suspend disbelief and we create a novel in our heads.

Almost nothing of that novel is actually in the book. A writer crafts that simplistic story into a sketch framework, that you fill in yourself.

This comes back to break our connectivity, when we have antagonism or negative emotions in what we write to another on a forum. Once negativity in written casting enter the chat, we tend to go negative ourselves, moreso. To a high degree.

90% of normal ’in person communication’ goes missing when we read just text, in communications. This is a well covered well studied factual thing, with reams and reams of research behind it. It’s a strong number, this percentage thing of only 10% making it to the page vs in person voice and body language, etc.

Human communication is complex, involved, and evolved.. and has major instinctual aspects to it. Ie, large unconsciousness factors are involved in ’in person’ communications. We ’feel people out’. continually. It’s all we do.

When we read a good novel, or in this case, read a post..We create the other 90% in our heads, just like when we read that great novel. the response we have is not them, our reaction is not them, it’s coming from US.

we create and fill in the 90% from inside our heads, and the complexity and depth of response is almost entirely us, individually, as a reader.

Of course our moods and lives of the moment are reflected in our response, as well as being determined by who we really are.

Thus, nasty responses to a negative post, say more about the poster of the response, than anything else. to the tune of up to a 900% amplification factor being involved.

Trolling is a subject, for a good reason.

This internet thing is new to the human creature... and as you can see, we’ve not really figured it out yet.

so keep your written communications CIVIL, and KIND, and of GOOD NATURE.

Otherwise it will, for all practical purposes... instantly devolve into projections of and in violence.

Any subtleties of attack or lip curling or negative intent in the text, in any way, will be amplified and brought to life in the reader’s head. It’s a reality that you have to deal with. You do it, I do it, everyone does it.

If you want a good forum, bring your best game of and in integrity with ZERO attempts to be sly, or cutting, or clever, or subtle in your anger or nastiness or any negativity you feel at all.

Otherwise ...it’s just monkeys beating each other to death at the watering hole.


You have to rise above that and post only open goodness and correctness and wear that even keel openly in the face of all temptation, on a forum.

Otherwise, you are the source of negativity.

We are dealing with the written word version of the effect of Pareidolia.



Since it is only 10% of the entire in person human package that is delivered in text communications, we can take that and turn it around and say (not an exact number, here) we need to be 900% better in our quality of written communications.

Great post! thanks teo...

Especially that:

We are dealing with the written word version of the effect of Pareidolia.