Dr. Feickert Blackbird

I want to get some opinions. I am currently saving for my end-all analog source. I have been lusting after the Blackbird for a year now. I keep trying to talk myself out of it, but keep coming back. Love the classic turntable look, the reviews, and especially 2 arms. If I am only going to have one table, I want 2 arms. I still have time, as I'm not half way to my $$ goal for a the table and first arm.

Is there better or equal performer for at or under that price without losing that classic turntable look? 


If space is an issue, or equipment preference, some Tonearms allow very easy arm changes. 


Technics B500 arm base, VTA on the Fly easily changes from straight fixed cartridge arm to S removable arm in seconds, here's one on a VPI


the same base with the curved removable headshell arm, changes in seconds



+1 on the Kuzma Stabi R turntable.  It's built like a tank and can accommodate multiple tonearms. I had the wood plinth upgrade, which at the time could only handle one tonearm.  I have seen the later models (with wood plinth) that can handle multiple tonearms and probably would not have sold mine had it been able to do that. Thee Stabi R with the 4P (11") would be an endgame rig IMO.

@rdk777 I'm pretty certain that the Stabi R with wooden plinth can only accommodate 1 tonearm. The other Stabi R's can accommodate upto a total of 4 arms. But please verify with a Kuzma dealer.