Best Home HIFi you’ve listened to


A general question on a “Total System” that YOU have heard at a buddies or acquaintance home. ( not a one night stand at audio show or retailer)

Is there a best system you have heard, that you consider darn near the best you can achieve ?  Or just the best sounding home system that a friend has, and you have spent some wonderful time with ?

or Maybe yours ? 

What kind of system was it ?  Components, etc 

Is there truly nirvana at a home 




I like to be modest, but after 50 years of working at it, mine. I have all Audio Research Reference components: Phonostage, DAC, Preamp, and amp (see my user ID). My streamer is Aurender W20SE and Turntable is a Linn LP12 (almost Klimax) with Sonus Faber Amati Traditional speakers in an insanely good audio space (by accident).


What is amazing is that it is incredibly musical and involving… it has the details of an ear bleed system… but the details are not forced on you… it is emotionally involving.


I have heard million dollar systems that are holographic and mesmerizing, but not nearly as musical and involving like mine. Over the last fifty years my understanding of what a great system sounded like has changed substantially. It began with loud, with heavy bass… and landed me here with incredibly involving, articulate, emotional, with great detail. It has been a great journey, and I love where I have landed… retired with the be st system I have heard.

Ghd, Love to hear your system. In southern AZ?


Back to topic. Best home system.

The one I could follow hands playing across a keyboard in the soundstage.

Nope not it.

The Wilson Whams,Thor, Spectral home theatre room


The custom speakers owned by audiophile's retailer with

the 12 foot soundstage


The HH Scott INT 299, Garrard 301, Wilson Benesch Curves.

After an hour's listening session I caught few seconds of 

sound which was clearer and more present than anything I

have ever heard. 







1978 at Doug Cassara’s house in Harrison, NY. His system: Quad 57’s driven by a pair of Futterman H3aa OTL amps. Signal source was a Marantz Seven tube preamp, Thorens 125 TT/Rabco SL7 arm/Panasonic Strain Gauge cartridge. We listened to Brand X’s Moroccan Roll LP. Amazing SQ! I had to go searching for Quad’s and Futterman’s! Now, decades later I have two pairs of 57’s and a pair of H3aa’s plus a rare Harvard Music H3 stereo version - plus a Thorens 125/Rabco arm.