Why Do You Post?

I come here to poke fun ONLY... No need for tech talk. AG could care less. I'm trying to draw the TROLLS out.. I'm bored.

This is what someone posted in an active thread.  I'm dumbfounded!

I come to Audiogon to learn and share information, keep abreast of audiophile happenings and to gain exposure or insight into music.  I thought I was in the majority camp of users, but based upon the above quote, could be I'm not.


I have enjoyed this forum over the last 11 years. Also the market place. I plan to keep going.

I have made friends. I have learned much. I have shared my audio experience with others. 

I try not to dwell on the negatives, far more positives herein. 

Thanks all!


"Who knew access to all of the world’s knowledge would make people dumber because people have no idea what knowledge is and are instead amused and give credence to a put down from a troll rather than thinking."


Perhaps humans have always been a little like that?

Existence can be challenging and entertainers have always been highly valued and rewarded as a result of providing us all with a little distraction from time to time (you could even argue that this hobby is exactly like that).

How else do we explain a footballer getting paid a 1000 times more than a paramedic?

Of course if you or your loved one is lying on the floor with a broken leg your perspective might be a little different...

That might be the one and only time when the value of knowledge gains a little in comparison with entertainment.

Actually, if I'm honest, many times I've read a comment here which got me thinking about better ways to enhance the kit without spending a ton of money. (Notwithstanding, nothing makes a better stereo than a better stereo) However, for example, my floor is extremely unstable. Hence, the tips on creating a suspended platform for my turntable, and now sub, and CD player....eventually yielded profound results. Getting my Lascalas up upon foam pads made a huge difference. So if I'm willing to admit it, many of you have helped this blue collar audiophile to live above my pay grade. Thank you everyone. 

I like reading about new gear,  I will often chime in with my experiences or opinions.   I will always try to help a fellow music lover troubleshoot or give advice if I think it will help.   I am a very private person and forums let me be more of an extrovert.   I am mostly humble but like showing off new toys once in a while