Cornwall 4 vs JBL horn under $10,000

Want to try a horn speaker with new Wellsenton R8( upgraded tubes) amp. My first experience with tubes and horns. Have read a lot about Cornwalls 4 and was about to purchase but thought about JBL’s. Want to stay under $10,000 and new or used.Any thoughts or recommendations? 



i finally got hearings aids 

I’ve got 60% hearing loss, above 1000 hz and tinnitus 

live with it , is my answer 

I love answering phone thru my hearing aids

i smell things lots better, kinda like a dog

I just went to AXPONA and enjoyed it 

yep, things change and you will adjust 

your soundstaging perception sure will not be the best 

you can still appreciate hifi and I hear things my hifi buddies can’t as well

Transients and leading and trailing edges are really highly developed, now 
