Cornwall 4 vs JBL horn under $10,000

Want to try a horn speaker with new Wellsenton R8( upgraded tubes) amp. My first experience with tubes and horns. Have read a lot about Cornwalls 4 and was about to purchase but thought about JBL’s. Want to stay under $10,000 and new or used.Any thoughts or recommendations? 


There are used JBL 4367s on here for $6500. Never heard them but they measure very good if you care about that kind of thing. I do as I feel good measurements lead to longer enjoyment of things I might have missed during the audition. The driver quality is on another level than Klipsch whether or not that translates to better sound I don’t know as I have only heard the Cornwall IV


there is also a pair of 4349s for sale on here which does not measure as well as the 4367 but also looks interesting.

All things being equal you could use the used JBL and seel them at no loss as they have already depreciated once. Where if you sell new Klipsch you will take a loss.