I’ve also tried taping over USB pin 1 with no effect before I realized what was going on in th 004. Obviously there’s nothing in the LKS or Musetec at the other end of line 1, so taping has no point.
As for power. The LKS 004 had all but the transformer of an LPS on a card that was placed above the Amanero Board. A 5V tap of the 50 Watt transformer powering the digital side provided the power to that board. A couple of people at head-fi actually mounted a separate small 5V transformer in the case connected directly to the AC power. I don’t think this mod was particularly popular. My recollection is that folks considered the general nature of the power for the board to be fine. IIRC someone tried a Singxer USB to I2S device and it didn’t outperform the on-board Amanero system. That was in the early days when people were wondering whether to buy the less or more expensive version of the 004. Mods, though. for the board above the Amanero seemed to be popular and worthwhile. But it’s been a while as I haven’t followed the LKS discussion at all since getting the Musetec. What seems clear is that fitting a much more powerful system for USB to I2S into the case called for Musetec to reengineer the whole thing and come up with the super capacitor solution.
I believe what I am reading about here IIUC is not a comparison of the USB input with the I2S input. It seem to me rather a comparison of 2 USB inputs, one using the internals of the Musetec USB system and the other using the separate LKS system, both feeding I2S into the internals of the DAC.
I have offered my thoughts on this elsewhere in this thread.