MF A5 is messed up

I turned it on and all that is coming out of the speakers is a terrible screaching sound. I have had bad tubes in components before(never a cd play though), but I do not remember a sound such as this. Could it be just a bad tube? Any iput or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
I don't want to call just yet because someone got annoyed that I called there twiced last week just to get an update on my unit.

It's more appropriate for the client to be annoyed rather than the customer service.
Carlos, It's only been 8 working days, not 2 weeks. Relax and let them fix/test it.
Because my service from MF was so good I feel compelled to agree with Merganser, most people would be thrilled with a turnaround of less than two weeks. Don't call the techs, call Signal Path's main line and talk with a main rep and tell him your issue if you must, but a little patience will pay off. I read another post of yours berating MF for their issue with your TriVista, and then you praised them - now back to disappointment! I hope it all works out for you, be patient.
I think you are right Merganser. I am just going to wait until they call me to let me know how everything is going with my Trivista. It's just that I miss my Trivista but I hope that they can repair the problem so I wont have to take up on their offer of a Brand New KW DM25 System for $900.00. It is still a good deal considering that the whole system cost $7000 but it just wont play SACD's and I have around 50 of them.
I will keep you posted of the outcome and thanks for your comments.