Best Phono Stage

Hi all,

I need some advise on a really good sounding phono stage to go with MC turntable set up in the $5k or so bracket. I am completely new to vinyl and realise there a lot here in terms of arm/cart matching MC,MM and I think moving iron but if you could point me in the direction of some good sounding units I can investigate compatibility etc. I don’t own a table or cart yet. I was looking at the Zesto Audio 1.2.

My goal is a liquid engaging sound with deep tight bass and air and separation on top.

Thanks in advance.




You will have credibility with no one without knowing where you are coming from… you are the one hung up on cost. Fantastic systems can be fashioned out of modest components. One can make a judgement based on the thought that has gone into your system… the synergy. But refusing to show what you have only discredits you as a honest contributor. 

Lets see your credentials. This inexpensive knowledgeably put together system or top of the line assault at the best possible.

You should consider purchasing an Audio File or Stereo Review magazine for their issues on best equipment of the year. Listen to some who experienced reviewer  vrs someone pushing what they have😵‍💫



Good idea, although I would recommend The Absolute Sound,  Stereophile, and HiFi+.