The Audiophile's Wife

My wife has put up with my a-phile ways for years and has decided to write a blog about it. Thought you (or more likely your spouse) might get a kick out of it.

Even though she writes with a bit of an edge, she's really a good sport and very supportive of my "hobby".

Didn't grannyring recently attend Axpona (with "the wife?")

If so I'd love to read an entree about attending an audiophile show on TAW.

It should be rich pickins'



 I rarely have read anything with insight and entertainment such as this. 


  Many years ago, it was kind of the opposite in my life. I dated a belly dancer. No, in real life she wasn't belly dancer material, but that didn't stop her. I should have been writing it all down. Maybe I will recall some the weirdness of the 'relationship' and write it down.

Glad to have come across this!  Please tell her to keep it up for all of us!




Wow! I just came across this. Your wife is a hoot!! I love here style of writing. Thanks.for the laughs