You need a mathematical model that accurately represents all people. That’s complex! Good luck! Better get busy!
This is precisely what Anirban Bandyopadhyay works is all about:
Creating the first artificial consciousness not an A. I. with bit and Q-bits but a new way to implement information with timelike crystals and geometrical patterns... And it is the FIRST TIME someone figure out how...
it is the reason why i am amazed...This is the greatest paradigm change in science right now...
Not really. Nails scratching on aboard might be represented by numbers. Or the sound of a nuclear blast. But is that music?
In a way yes... If we were really conscious and in a contemplative mode all there is will put us in an ectasy...No need to any drugs....
Try an experience...
Read Goethe "the plant metamorphosis" will fell out of your chair why?
Because you will realized that in spite of looking at flowers all your life you never really SEEN one...
After that try the book about mammals of Wolfgang Schad... same experience with any mammal, you look at them but you NEVER has seen one...
For sound , any sound in nature the experience is the same... It is a language but you never listen to it...
All around us is miracles... Only zombies dont see that.... Ask Galileo if the laws of nature are not miraculously informative, or Kepler listening music through the orbits of the planets...Etc...
For me for example the discovery by listening experiments of the acoustic of small room was an amazing journey in lived day by day small miracles...
For others it can be anything else...
« We dont lack miracles, we lack the eyes to see them»-anonymus contemplative
«Life is not boring, we are...»-Groucho Marx 🤓