What defines mid-fi versus high-end?

I’m in my mid fifties and I recall 30 years back mid-fi to me fell into the NAD, Adcom, B&K…. For high-end I considered Mac, some of the Counterpoint offerings, Cary…. so forth.  I had another post going where I mentioned I acquired an Onkyo  home theater receiver that retailed new for $1,100.   Yet another agoner responded that it does not rate as mid-fi.   We all have our opinions of course.   So right or wrong here.
How do you define the parameters of high-end versus mid-if?  By money range, by brand…?



The size of your wallet, and the amount of envy for those who can afford a better system. 😁

The size of your wallet, and the amount of envy for those who can afford a better system 😁will never rival my pride being able to create one at very low cost !

In this day and age, if something sounds “mid-fi”, it just means you bought the wrong stuff. Fix that! Hifi can be had for a pittance these days. A pair of Grado headphones and a smart phone to stream from  will do to start. Move up to a pair of Vanatoo active speakers and voila…..more hifi for practically nothing. Ditch the junk if it does not sound good !


What defines mid-fi versus high-end?

It's somebody's idea of a distinction that essentially comes down to a difference in price. 

For those of you who equate higher prices with high fidelity have you ever seen the youtube channel where Danny Ritchie from GR Research compares some hi-fi, high cost speakers to more budget friendly and shows his viewers what they get for the money? Quite an eye opener. More money shelled out does not alway lead to better sound.