Esoteric X-01 D2

Hoping for some more information on this player in terms of strengths, weaknesses, likes or dislikes. Of course, associated equipment would be appreciated with those preferences.

Have great day all,
I have just put one into my system to replace a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD player. The reason for replacement was that the MF had lost a channel and rather than repair it I chose to trade it in on the Esoteric unit because the MF dealers told me that ulitmately all the MF Tri-Vista transports go bad and there is no replacement whatsoever.

The new Esoteric unit sounds gourgeous. I think it needs breakin as it has been sounding better each week for the four weeks I have had it. The three DACs are a great touch and you can easily and clearly hear differenced between them. So that CDs can sound better with one DAC over another.

Overall the unit is very musical. The image presentation is focused and filled with detail. I hear more musical character in vocals for example. The dynamics of the unit seem stronger than the previous MF unit. I will venture that the Esoteric does not have a sound of its own as many of my CDs and SACDs now sound so different from one another than previously. There is more detail, more dynamics, and the unit makes music at low volumes a more engaging experience.

The units appearance and overall build quality seem very high end. The remote is very easy to use and it may have the first owner's manual that is easy to read and actually helpful.

So my recommendation is very positive. The thing sounds gorgeous and this will in all likelyhood be my last CD/SACD player.
Your response to the X01-D2 may vary depending on the voicing of the remainder of your system and the choices you make with respect to a power cord, isolation and interconnect. In my case, I replaced an existing X01 Limited Edition and could not be happier. Several suggestions: (i) the isolation feet that are provided with the unit are very good but not as good as the Finite Element cerabases which work very well with the Esoteric, particularly if the unit is sited on a Finite Element stand; (ii) the Esoteric really works well with the top of the line Mexcel 7N power cord which mitigates a slight tendency of the unit to sound dry and overly analytical; my guess is that the top of the line Shunyata's would also work well; (iii) the unit sounds best running in balanced mode into a true balanced preamp; and (iv) again the top of the line Mexcel 7N balanced interconnects are an extremely nice match for the unit. Given that Acrolink and Esoteric are related companies in Japan, it is not surprising that a certain synergy exists. By the way, try the various decoding options. They all sound different.
Thanks fo rthe great reponses gentleman. Sounds like a very nice player with extreme build quality. I am very attracted to the quality level of their transport. Fcrowder, I'll check out Acrolink power cords. Right now, I have XLR Stralth metacarbons as my cables running from pre to player, so I;ll try those out when I get this player. I'll check out the power cords as well.

Huntermusic, appreciate the fine review. Glad you like it as I just ordered one with out an audition. Auditions are impossible for me as I live very rurally in Montana, but I went on faith. Good to hear some other folks are having good expereinces.

have you guys tried putting any type of wieght on the top plate of the plaayer. I know with my AA prestige, i put some HRS plates on top and it improved the bass and imaging. Any experiments like that with the D2?

Peter, congrats on ordering the D2. I have only heard the X01ltd but I understand the D2 is superior. I love my Esoteric and hope to move up to either the D2 or the P3D3 soon. Please let me know what you think of it when it arrives. My feeling is that you are going to be amazed at all the additional detail, nuance, and subtlety you hear. It will be like listening to different versions of songs you know well. Enjoy!