The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


Hoping for some clarification on the fuse values; I read a few posts back where Ted recommended going with the manufacturers specified value, but I was wondering if this was an equipment safety recommendation or a "sound improvement" recommendation?

For example; if one were to go with say a 16A slow blow fuse to replace a 3.0A slow blow fuse, would this be a potential "improvement" to the sound benefit if the fuse?  Or, would this be detrimental to the potential  sound benefit of the fuse?

Assuming the equipment is on a regenerator / conditioner, wouldn't the larger fuse offer a greater improvement over the stock rating?  

I guess the simple question is: does a Purple 3A of 10A slow blow little fuse sound the same as a Purple 16A slow blow little fuse in the same equipment?


@harris1204 The Purple fuses are very sensitive so for example if you have a fuse in your equipment with a rating of 3.15 amp move up to the next higher value which is 4.0 amp.

Do not exceed a single step higher because that may endanger your equipment.

This recommendation only applies to the Purple fuses, other fuses change same for same.

I replaced Synergistic blue fuse (which I had used for 3 years) with purple one in Line Magnetic 508 amp.

It seems to make substantial improvement without break in.

It make sound faster with sharper focus but not overdone.



I have a fuse holder in all my units connected the same way (current source inside fuse holder) and found that two purple fuses of the same value but purchased from different vendors sound best at different direction.
One fuse market T (Trage for German market) sound better when put according to letters, and the other fuse marked S (Slow for US market) sound better installed in reverse direction against the letter.

is it possible that tunneling direction may vary from fuse to fuse or it should be rather consistent and all fuses should sound better either according to letters or against the letters. Thank you.