Esoteric X-01 D2

Hoping for some more information on this player in terms of strengths, weaknesses, likes or dislikes. Of course, associated equipment would be appreciated with those preferences.

Have great day all,
to Mariasplunge:

I know it is considered "wrong" to change out multiple pieces of equipment at the same time but I had just gotten the new Krell EVO402 which was a very, very big upgrade over my Krell 400cx, the sound of which I knew very well.

I was eager to try something in the tube preamp area and was shopping for a ARC Ref3 preamp. The dealer I have used in the past had a ARC Ref3 that he had taken in trade and I was ready to jump but he said that he had just A/B tested the Ref3 against the BAT 52se and told me that it was clear that the BAT was superior. His ears had jibed with mine in the past and so the deal was done. It sounds great. who knows I may wind up with tubes all around someday. I have to say there is a resolution to the tubes where there is not only more detail but more "more" if you know what i mean. I hear woodiness on woodwinds, I hear more bell on the brass instruments. I hear different timbres from the same players on a record when they change their tone and dynamics. On vocals I hear more parts of the voice, the chest voice, head tone, throat chamber and I hear them in a way that is coherent and beautiful.

So now I am a BAT fan and firmly in the Esoteric D2 camp. I think with these two pieces of equipment there are very, very small (if any) further sonic upgrades to be had without a too huge investment on my part.

all in all I am even more amazed that the JM Lab Mini-Utopias I use (with a Utopia Sub) keep sounding better and better.

The whole bug for an system upgrade started when I was eager to move to the VTL S400 tube amp but no one would care to make a home audition possible, under any terms. Pretty strange for the price I thought. So I auditioned the Krell at home for a couple of weeks and it sounded great, so then I just went crazy and started making the wholesale changes. But right now I am typing this while I listen to the Mozart Gran Partita on a magical performance by Otto Klemperer (on a long ago out of print CD) and it is taking me to that special place. The whole family is out at the pool, the house is dead quiet, the dogs are asleep, the A/C is off and the music sounds incredible.
I have to agree that for some reason the Esoteric sounds great with tube preamps. I think I read somewhere that Teac uses ARC Ref 3 pres at shows when demonstrating their Esoteric cdps.

Huntermusic, I auditioned the BAT 52se when it first came out months ago. I think the BAT is a great piece. It has a lot of authority and dynamics normally found in ss gear. Any thoughts of upgrading to the REX?
Talking about the musical....
I replaced my Burmester 001 with an Ayre C-5xe then EMM two boxes SE ,finally the Esoteric X-01D2 + G-0RB.

X-01D2 alone is a very super high-end digital player, however when combined with G-0RB they become much more like
a well tunning Analog system.The search is over at least in the near future.

Thats good to know. I wondered how much that clock bit did to the sound. Could you describe what you are hearing over the single D2. I would be interested.

Thanks everyone for the great responses. Seems like the D2 owners are enjoying themselves.

Tommy, how bout you. Going to make the leap and join the club?
Is this a finished review or an ongoing review. If finished could you direct me to the read. You are right, it would most interesting. Funny but I choose the D2 over the EMM single box largely because of build quality.

Thanks for your time,