Best Phono Stage

Hi all,

I need some advise on a really good sounding phono stage to go with MC turntable set up in the $5k or so bracket. I am completely new to vinyl and realise there a lot here in terms of arm/cart matching MC,MM and I think moving iron but if you could point me in the direction of some good sounding units I can investigate compatibility etc. I don’t own a table or cart yet. I was looking at the Zesto Audio 1.2.

My goal is a liquid engaging sound with deep tight bass and air and separation on top.

Thanks in advance.




I definitely get it. When I got my first good table I tried a top rated $200 Phonostage. It sounded terrible. So at each iteration I doubled the cost. It wasn’t until $2,500+ I started getting much of the sound quality my system was capable of. Finally at $8,000 my phono stage was no longer “in the way”.

Then I upgraded my turntable a few years ago and I had to double again to get the most out of my turntable.

Being so close to the source it is really important. But it is always a matching game to get the most out of your system.



Cost aside, matching has become more important to me than I thought possible. To begin with, I have made other poor choices, such as going from a perfectly good Project Xpression II to a Schiit SOL TT. I am sure that the SOL has more potential than I am getting from it but will require set tools that I normally wouldn't consider. The Project TT was friendly with more phono stages that the SOL in my experience, but that didn't stop me from trading. 

 So in reference to this topic, I want to add that al analog decisions have been important. If you happen onto a phono stage that works for your setup and taste, stop there. It is my opinion now that I should have started with a phono stage that was more adaptable. 

  I want to add one last piece of observation. Two of the phono stages that I have tried were very good quality kits. In one case, I actually loved the sound, but can't seem to get rid of a bit of hum. In the other case, the phono stage is incredible sounding, but not in the bass. I suspect that this is some kind of mis-match? Really don't know, and am tired of the chase after a more than a year of effort.

@lance23 correct hook-up per your note. Yes have tried with and without SUT and the PH-10 is excellent without just adding it brings a bit more to the sound. Yes expensive because you also require another rca cable out of the SUT to phono pre. For most people probably not worth it but once heard it's hard to go back.

Dear @lance23, starting with vinyl on a serious level at this point in time is a daunting prospect and quite an undertaking. Separating the good, the bad and the ugly requires considerable research in advance to prevent big disappointments and expensive mistakes, both concerning the hardware AND the records themselves.

It would be useful to know in what system you plan to add your vinyl playback source. Starting with the phono amp is not a bad idea in itself, but if you haven’t decided on what type of cartridge you expect to be using, you need to build in considerable flexibility to be able to accommodate any choices you’ll make in the future.

Asking such a ‘what is best’ question usually delivers a long list of responses from members who will generally recommend what they own themselves. This information is biased by nature and doesn’t help very much in making your own personal choice. But I understand you have to start somewhere. It also makes quite a bit of difference whether you decide to buy new or would consider used or even vintage. That last category can deliver huge value for money if you know what to look for. You really don’t need to pay a fortune to enjoy listening to records, although I won’t deny it can very easily get expensive. Whatever route you take, just don’t let anyone try to convince you that real high end record playback was ‘discovered’ during the 21st century ‘vinyl renaissance’…..

BTW: are you Dutch or just a fan of the Dutch soccer team? 😁