Class A: Accuphase vs Pass Labs house sound?

I have always been fascinated with Accuphase (Japanese audio in general). I've never heard an Accuphase amp in person. I've heard Pass class a/b amps a few times. I own a FirstWatt j2. One thing I really like about the feature set of Accuphase that it includes a gain level control. I would find that handy since I have 101 efficient (measured at 98db) Zu speakers. Since I run a tube pre, tube hiss can be an issue if I do not keep tabs on the gain when choosing components. No worries with the J2 since the gain is super low. However, I may look to upgrade my amp in the future. Pass 30.8 is something that looks like a nice unit. Also the Accuphase A-48 or A-30.

Just curious if anyone has compared both...sound wise and build wise




We are talking the difference things. You talk the sound quality, the strong strength of the sound to the speaker. I am talking about you like the house sound or you do not like the house sound..

Besides, I am not talking the specific model, I am talking this brand in general.

And in fact, I am not talking you or me,I am talking a lot people.

If you still do not understand, forget the sound.

Let see a building, when you see the building, you do not like, but the guy beside you talk a lot of the good of that building. The build quality, the location, the rent rate,the traffic,and maintenance job. After you listen,you still do not like that building.

That’s it.

Do not make it complicated. It is a matter of like or dislike.

i had pass labs, the older xa60's, and was not a fan (Nothing wrong with them just didn't catch my ear) I'm very curious about accuphase, especially if someone has some direct experience with e a36, or a48

Neither, I prefer the Original Class A innovator, SUGDEN.