Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


1) The president doesn’t have a magic wand that fixes inflation. (Actually, he doesn’t have much to do with the state of the economy.) Mostly, the inflation we're experiencing is fallout from the pandemic, which the orange sociopath made much worse with his self-interested magical thinking about non-cures and his minimization and politicization of the virus.

2) By many measures, the economy is doing quite well. Unemployment is low, hiring is brisk, and wages are up.

3) The baby formula issue has nothing to do with Biden.

Now back to audio.

“meathead is waddling around at Mar-A-Lago and playing golf (which is about the only thing the legtimate POS ever did when he was the illegitimate POTUS) so don’t be so hard on yourself.”

$1.70 a gallon regular unleaded meathead to be precise. The current $5.25 a gallon regular unleaded puddlehead is much better, right?

"immathewj- the country was undeniably in FAR better shape under him than the guy that’s there now,"
Really? I certainly deny it. The previous incumbent made your country into a laughing stock in the world. It will take a while to recover the reputation.

The rest of the world has always LOVED American presidents they can take advantage of. Enough said.