I’ve always enjoyed your posts and appreciate that you feel strongly about certain topics.
You seem to be upset that I’m not upset. I am concerned about everything you are upset about, I just tend to gravitate toward solutions oriented problem solving rather than to virtually self immolate with every current event. In short, I seek positives and jettison the negatives. Its an attitude...obviously one you don’t or can’t share. That’s cool. I’ll just keep doing my thing, being overtly happy, employing happy people, doing good when I feel the urge and ignoring those who over react daily about whatever it is that people love to over react about.
No, of course personal savings isn’t enough...but if people have made good financial decisions and been fortunate while doing so, they typically don’t have to make rash decisions when faced with challenges. Once they do make a decision, they typically have the resources to maneuver.
Once again, I thought this was a website for a hobby, one that frankly isn’t a requirement for survival....which classifies it as a luxury. Therefore I assume that those who frequent this website can afford these luxuries. If they can’t, then that isn’t my bucket of excrement to carry.
In short, we can coexist but I refuse to accept the outrage of anyone who happens to be outraged at the idea that I’m not outraged.